The Value of Delivering Nothing.
In the fast-paced world of product innovation and agile development, delivering value through new products, features and solutions is paramount. Sometimes, however, Product teams can deliver value by saying, "No"
The mythical “Full Stack” Product Manager…
The ‘Full Stack’ term has recently started to appear in buzzword-heavy Job descriptions for Product Managers. Recruiter Marketeers love a good buzzword and ‘full stack’ is just such a thing: it means nothing, so it can be used everywhere and for whatever definition you wish. But is ‘full stack’ useful, or even advisa
The real ‘benefits’ of employment
A job description should always indicate the salary or range. However, a cursory glance at Job Boards suggests this only happens less than 50% of the time. Probably less than 30% on a lot of job boards. On the other hand, job descriptions are choc-full of all sorts of other ‘benefits’. If a job description […]
The A, E, I, O, U of agile innovation
Following on from an earlier post (, I have developed a memory tool as an easy way to remember the agile approach to iterative innovation. It is a simple-to-understand set of activities that should be suitable for all agile innovation – no matter how big or s
The Dark Art of Agile Innovation
...there is a ‘darker’ side to Agile Innovation - let’s call it the "Dark Art" of Agile Innovation [...] the soft skills and intuition that come with experience and a creative, imaginative, and adventurous mindset
The Net Promoter Score and the “couldn’t care less” group… do you account for those who literally couldn’t care enough to even bother answering…?
Are your experts up for the agile challenge?
Are the Subject Matter Experts in your organisation ready for the agile challenge? To be clear (because clarity is critical in all-things-agile), I don’t mean “are your experts ready for the challenge of agile”… I mean “are your experts ready to be challenged, as they certainly will be if they work in an agile environm
Podcast interview on “The Business of A.I.”
I was very pleased (and a little surprised, if I’m honest!) to be asked to feature on “The Business of A.I.” Podcast. The interview with Luca Marchesotti of Sparkd AI was a little bit nervy because it was unscripted and the questions were not supplied in advance. Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation [&he
Tool to auto-generate User Stories with minimal typing and even less repetition… User Stories to allow direct importing into Jira and automatic linking to Epics. Downloadable template to get started. Ideal for stakeholder engagement when identifying features and to facilitate Dev & QA stakeholders' decomposition of features.
Even my wardrobe is Agile…
Agile is always supposed to be geared towards answering that simple question: what is the next most valuable thing we could deliver? By that definition, even my wardrobe is Agile.