The Power of Platforms
Et sal uta udi con sete tur est, ei dolore medi o crita tem quo. La bitur omit tantur dis sentiet nam at. Tantas utroque exp tendis et mel, cu pro gra ece time am im pedit. Eum con gue iisque ut, quem wisi ira cundia estu ad. Falli facilis di gnisim eam etima. Pro te fa bellas phil sophia, an enim re gi one pla cerat nam, ad huc
The Complexities in our Digital Identity
In a recent Documentary on RTÉ TV (the Irish national broadcaster) about Annacarty Barracks and its central role in the Irish path to freedom & independence, Mick Dromm (at least, I think that was his name!), who was one of the primary Archaeologists on the Project, said: “As a nation, as a people, we are […]
Now that you’re ‘working from home’… behaviour and etiquette for Virtual Meetings…
This is an updated version (given the huge explosion in the numbers of people working from home in 2020 as a result of COVID19 / Coronavirus and the likelihood that this will accelerate the Work From Home transition) of a Blog Post published originally in 2015. Warning: this is a looonnnnggg post so please excercise […]
How (not) to be a Recruiter…
Not everyone is cut out to be a Recruiter. Some of us Contractors get to deal with dozens (even hundreds) of different Recruiters. Occasionally one comes along that makes it all worthwhile. David isn’t that one... :-)
CiCoDa Racing – The Story So Far
So you’ve always wanted to take charge off a Motor Racing team... it’s not as impossible (or as expensive!) as you might think. Just do what we did and start your own Team.
How to wipe all the sneaky ‘Cookie Monsters’ from your devices in one click
Many of my friends, family and contacts will already know how I feel about surreptitious digitized ‘spying’ by website and App providers (who call it something else and say they only track your behaviour for ‘personalisation’, of course). I’ve been known to rant about ‘sneaky tracking’ e
So, ummm, I own a Motor Racing team [updated].
I own a Motor Racing team since a few weeks ago. No, seriously, I do. It’s called CiCoDa Racing and it’s very entry-level, very unglamourous and very affordable. We race in the Formula Vee championship (#FormulaVeeIRL). I set it up this year with the help of JB Farrell (who will be driving) and Gary Baitson […]
Agile: it’s not for the Fragile…
Over the last 10+ years as a Business Analyst, Product Owner & Product Manager in a wide variety of teams, environments, sectors & projects – and, indeed, as a Customer overseeing my own Product development (see flowdaq if you’re interested in that) – it has become clear that Agile philosophies, concept
Here’s ADAM…
Let me introduce you to ADAM. Some of you will have heard me mention my ‘other’ work outside of my Business Analysis consulting duties in recent weeks. In fact, some of you might have heard me going on & on about it for years! Well [drum-roll please … this is a real “Water Cooler Moment”]: […]
Are your KYC / Interactive Voice Recording systems redundant for SARs in GDPR…?
Under #GDPR, you are apparently not allowed to talk to your Customers about their Data if you ask them to prove who they are...!?