
My word is my Blog…

…I’ve been meaning to do this for years…

Way back in the mists of time, I started adding my tuppence worth to this new-fangled thing called “The Internet” (back when “The Internet” was in quotes and it was treated as a bit of a quirky fad), and I’ve been doing so on-and-off on various Forums and on various subjects since then. 

So, I decided to gather all of these random warblings in one place so that anyone who wanted to find & read them in the future (i.e. me) wouldn’t have to look far. 

If you’re reading this Blog thinking it will feature inspirational, informative or even remotely useful Blog posts, then you obviously haven’t read any of them yet…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

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