The mythical “Full Stack” Product Manager…
The ‘Full Stack’ term has recently started to appear in buzzword-heavy Job descriptions for Product Managers. Recruiter Marketeers love a good buzzword and ‘full stack’ is just such a thing: it means nothing, so it can be used everywhere and for whatever definition you wish. But is ‘full stack’ useful, or even advisa
The Net Promoter Score and the “couldn’t care less” group… do you account for those who literally couldn’t care enough to even bother answering…?
Tool to auto-generate User Stories with minimal typing and even less repetition… User Stories to allow direct importing into Jira and automatic linking to Epics. Downloadable template to get started. Ideal for stakeholder engagement when identifying features and to facilitate Dev & QA stakeholders' decomposition of features.
You can go FAR if you avoid the FOGS
“One of the most recent - and perhaps the most outwardly unsuitable - area where Agile principles and techniques are being applied is the area of Product Innovation. Kanban, Lean and JIT processes are ideally suited to predictable, repeatable processes like Manufacturing. Product innovation is anything but predictable or repea
The Complexities in our Digital Identity
In a recent Documentary on RTÉ TV (the Irish national broadcaster) about Annacarty Barracks and its central role in the Irish path to freedom & independence, Mick Dromm (at least, I think that was his name!), who was one of the primary Archaeologists on the Project, said: “As a nation, as a people, we are […]
Agile: it’s not for the Fragile…
Over the last 10+ years as a Business Analyst, Product Owner & Product Manager in a wide variety of teams, environments, sectors & projects – and, indeed, as a Customer overseeing my own Product development (see flowdaq if you’re interested in that) – it has become clear that Agile philosophies, concept
Agile Outside the Development Team
Updated with link to download the Issue (free). I’m very pleased and proud to have an article commissioned for (90,000-readership) Better Software magazine. My article – ‘Agile Outside the Development Team‘ – is chosen as one of the four ‘featured’ articles and the magazine also includes
How to be a BA – become a Scientist.
How to be a BA – become a Scientist. The number of Blog posts, articles and discussions that ask or attempt to explain “How to be a BA” is a good indication that nobody really knows the ‘silver bullet’ answer. If you think you’ll find the perfect answer here…. don’t waste any more time reading […]
What, exactly, is an MVP and who decides?
What makes an MVP an MVP…? Do you prioritize the ‘M’, the ‘V’ or the ‘P’…? Who should be the final judge of what an acceptable MVP looks like? These might seem like strange questions but, like most things a Business Analyst has to consider, each is a simple question behind which
Turbo-charge Requirements Elicitation for features & user privileges.
One of the most common things I have to do on software development or Application selection projects, at one point or another, is to define a series of potential features or functions. They can range from obvious and nearly mandatory (e.g. ‘reset password’) to the more ‘out there’ features. Often, trying