The mythical “Full Stack” Product Manager…
The ‘Full Stack’ term has recently started to appear in buzzword-heavy Job descriptions for Product Managers. Recruiter Marketeers love a good buzzword and ‘full stack’ is just such a thing: it means nothing, so it can be used everywhere and for whatever definition you wish. But is ‘full stack’ useful, or even advisa
The A, E, I, O, U of agile innovation
Following on from an earlier post (, I have developed a memory tool as an easy way to remember the agile approach to iterative innovation. It is a simple-to-understand set of activities that should be suitable for all agile innovation – no matter how big or s
Tool to auto-generate User Stories with minimal typing and even less repetition… User Stories to allow direct importing into Jira and automatic linking to Epics. Downloadable template to get started. Ideal for stakeholder engagement when identifying features and to facilitate Dev & QA stakeholders' decomposition of features.
How to be a BA – become a Scientist.
How to be a BA – become a Scientist. The number of Blog posts, articles and discussions that ask or attempt to explain “How to be a BA” is a good indication that nobody really knows the ‘silver bullet’ answer. If you think you’ll find the perfect answer here…. don’t waste any more time reading […]
What, exactly, is an MVP and who decides?
What makes an MVP an MVP…? Do you prioritize the ‘M’, the ‘V’ or the ‘P’…? Who should be the final judge of what an acceptable MVP looks like? These might seem like strange questions but, like most things a Business Analyst has to consider, each is a simple question behind which
Turbo-charge Requirements Elicitation for features & user privileges.
One of the most common things I have to do on software development or Application selection projects, at one point or another, is to define a series of potential features or functions. They can range from obvious and nearly mandatory (e.g. ‘reset password’) to the more ‘out there’ features. Often, trying
Tip for BAs: make a portable whiteboard
I’m often asked to recommend simple tools for aspiring BAs to use and I can’t think of anything more simple – or more useful – than pen & paper or, where available, a whiteboard. For those of you who like to work with pen & paper or with whiteboard & marker, here’s a simple tip: [&hellip
Updated: If a picture paints 1000 words, what if you have only one thing to say?
A basic idea in Agile, you get what you need just when you need it. So, how would that work in Diagrams...?
If a picture paints a thousand words…
If a picture paints a thousand words….what do you use if you only have one thing to say? I spotted this line on, in a description of the ‘Product Owner’ role: “There is significant evidence that the worst way to communicate information between people is via documentation“. I couldn